“We should all learn to stop and smell the roses,” he says.
“Unfortunately, most of us aren’t present for most of the day. We’re thinking
about what we need to do or what we should have done. But if we have one foot
in the future and one in the past, we’re pissing on the present.”
People think the goal of meditation is to empty the mind,”
says Brooks. “It’s not about clearing the mind; it’s about focusing on one
thing. When the mind wanders, the meditation isn’t a failure. Our brain is like
a wayward puppy, out of control. Catching it and putting it back to the object
of focus is the mediation.”
Brooks says meditating is like exercise; a full workout is
preferred, but there is value in short bursts. “You can get the benefits of a
formal meditation practice by weaving mini-meditations into your daily life.” He
offers six ways you can effortlessly incorporate meditation into your daily
While walking your dog, taking a hike, or simply getting the
mail, focus your attention on one item, such as the sound of the cicadas, the
feel of the ground beneath your feet, or the color of the tree. When the mind
wanders, catch it and return to your original focus.
“Research has found
that just being in nature reduces stress,” says Brooks. “We weren’t meant to
sit in cubicles all day and when we disconnect from nature, we suffer a lot of
While stopped at a red light, turn off your radio and focus
on deep breaths. When your mind wanders, go back to your breath.
“Breathing meditation is one of the easiest because it’s
always with us and exists in the present moment,” says Brooks. “You can’t
listen to yesterday’s breath.”
If you run or bike, leave your headphones at home and focus
on the experience.
“Tune into a physical sensation, such as the ground beneath
your feet, the wind in your hair, or the warmth of the sunlight,” says Brooks.
“Choose one item and maintain your focus. Don’t jump mindlessly from one
sensation to another.”
As you eat or drink, focus on the various flavors, textures,
and sensations of the particular food or drink. Drinking a cup of tea or
enjoying a piece of chocolate can be a form of meditation, says Brooks.
“Savor what you have in the moment,” he says.
While in line, observe your breath or surroundings. Use the
time to do some inner observations. For example, are your muscles tense? Are
you cold or hot?
“It is important that when you do the observations, you do
them without judgment,” says Brooks. “If you’re in the supermarket checkout
line, for example, avoid judging people for what they have in their shopping
carts. Observe and notice without opinion.”
You can also incorporate mindfulness meditation into daily
activities, says Brooks. For example, washing your hands, folding laundry,
taking a shower, washing dishes, or brushing your teeth can serve as
mini-meditations if you focus on the experience and stop your mind from wandering.
Have a Peaceful Life :)
Courtesy: Dr. Mike Brooks Ph.D., Austin Psychologist