Previously Google had limits in number of links on a page. Now
they lifted this limitation. But the home link is appearing more than once in a
page. It is better to avoid duplicate links which are not relevant.
How to
remove this link
Go to Template and Edit HTML, Tick on Expand Widget
Find the following code in the template using Find option.(#)
Find the following code in the template using Find option.(#)
<a class='home-link'
Delete and Save the template and verify the blog.
How to
remove the home box
Some blogger templates contain a box with the home link and most
of the readers are desperate to delete that too. I suggested to delete the box
using some code, But I think it is impossible to delete that box, instead you
can hide the box using the CSS trick.
Please find </head> in your template
Add following code just above the head tag.
/* hiding home box link */
So it
will look like this
/* hiding home box link */
Save the template, you are