Reality check: Has Rahul Gandhi been accurate in making political attacks on Narendra Modi government?
Back from his sabbatical, Congress Vice-President Rahul Gandhi has been combative. But noticeable as his many political attacks on Modi government.
Rahul and Reality
Rahul: UPA hiked wheat MSP from Rs 640 to Rs 1,400 per quintal. Modi govt's annual hike was only Rs 50
REALITY: That Rs 640-1,400 hike came in 10 years, from 2004-05 to 2013-14. So, false comparison. And UPA-II's MSP hike in its last year was Rs 50 too. Same order of increase in support prices Increase in minimum support prices Rs /Quintal
Rahul: UPA defined an apartment's carpet area clearly — as net usable area excluding walls. Modi govt has complicated matters by bringing in the National Building Code.
REALITY: Revised Bill says real estate can be sold only on actual carpet area.
Rahul: UPA didn't allow change in plan post approval and project launch. Modi govt Bill allows undefined 'minor alterations'
REALITY: Revised Bill says builders need 'yes' from two-thirds of allottees for making a change. Allows minor alterations for architectural & structural reasons
Rahul: Scrapping of food park is politics of revenge. Project would have given better prices to farmers
REALITY: Amethi project a non-starter since its 2010 sanction. And govt says the petroleum ministry under UPA in 2013 had refused to supply gas to the project
Rahul: Farm credit hike averaged 20% every year under UPA. Modi govt gave only 5%
REALITY: RBI data show farm credit growth was 15% in 2014-15, roughly Modi's first year, compared with 13.5% in 2013-14, UPA's last year. And the hikes given out so far by Modi govt are more than 5%. The 2015-16 budgetary hike is around 6.5%
Rahul: Farm growth was 4.1% under UPA, fell to 1% in Modi's first year
REALITY: At least in 4 years, farm growth was 1% or less in the 10 years of UPA Not much difference in farm sector growth Annual growth in agri, forestry & fishing (%)
Rahul: Govt wants corporates to take over Internet. Trai consultations won't do. Need to bring in a law
REALITY: Trai is a statutory body. And the telecom minister has supported net neutrality. Plus, there's a 6-member telecom ministry panel looking into the issue. And, you didn't hear Rahul talk about UPA's strong-arm net laws.
Courtesy: Economic Times
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