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Average Indian browse 11 times Slower Speed than a South Korean

Average Indian browse 11 times Slower Speed than a South Korean
Its shocking harder truth that an average Indian browse at a speed of 2 Mbps. While only 1.1 % users have above 10 Mbps connection and only 7.8% users have greater than 4 Mbps connection. We just rank 116 in Global Rank in Internet Connection Speed, with average annual growth at 54% year-over-year. While even our neighbours like China, Vietnam rank 82, 99 in Global Ranks. While Indian Prime Minister office was 34 Mbps connection by 2015, but no reflection in rest of India. The peak internet speed by an individual is just...
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Best Innovative Mobile App of Month

Best Innovative Mobile App of Month
Innovation matters in our day today activities.. Hereafter every month we will be getting you through one best innovative app that actually helps in your day to day life. Everyone even me and you needs to remind our friend of something and sometimes we our self forget to remind him or our friend forgets what we said him. So its better we depend on our gadgets to keep reminder for our self. Have you ever thought of keeping reminder for your friends?? Do you think you have a app for it? Yes, Now...
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